Customized solutions are highly recommended and can be provided, in order to achieve
the best experience.OSL comes with a basic spatial installation design proposal.
Basic installation
design proposal
Customized solutions are highly recommended and can be provided, in order to achieve
the best experience.OSL comes with a basic spatial installation design proposal.
Basic installation
design proposal
All OCEAN SOUND LAB applications can be bundled together in a single menu-driven package running on a single exhibition stand. Alternatively they can be distributed over a larger area - and possibly combined with physical hands-on exhibits - creating a thematic exhibition on underwater sound.
The OCEAN SOUND LAB can be installed on any medium-to-high performance PC
running WindowsTM Xp/Vista/7 and equipped with a touch screen or plain display, microphone
and a high quality sound output system.
Detailed specifications: MS WindowsTM Xp/Vista/7 running
on a medium-to-high performance PC (such as Intel(R) Core2TM
Duo CPU @ 3.0GHz / 2.0 GB of RAM) equipped with a SoundBlaster
compatible sound card and a mixer. At least 250 MB of free
disk space. Touchscreen (recommended) or plain screen with
a pointing device such as trackball or mouse. Minimum screen
resolution 1024x768. High quality sound output earphones or
speakers (subwoofer is highly recommended). Standard quality
unidirectional microphone.